Two days before I left Canada, there was a major terrorist attack in Nairobi, Kenya’s capital. When I arrived, the nation was in mourning and I joined my friends as they prayed for God’s peace and intervention.
On my first Sunday, I spoke at three church services at King Worship Center in the slum of Kware. That is my adopted home church in Nairobi. It was wonderful to see how God is blessing them. When I first went to that congregation, seventeen years ago, there were approximately two hundred people in the congregation. Now, there are over one thousand, and growing. Many souls have come to Christ. Some of the members have moved to other places, but they still fellowship there.  
The children danced enthusiastically, the music was uplifting, the people received the teaching well, and God blessed us with His presence.

I also spoke at a women’s prayer rally which followed the Sunday services. Women came in from other congregations. We had a great time of prayer and fellowship.

Youth and Young Adults Conference

FOTWM co-hosted this conference with senior pastor, Rev Brown and his wife, Pastor Josephine. With donations from friends, FOTWM provided the meals and covered other expenses. The young adults at the church were excited because they had never had their own conference. A committee was formed, and they planned thoroughly. Sessions were held from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. On Friday and Saturday, there were over 100 in attendance.
The young people and their leaders led praise and worship, sang solos, ushered and did all that was needed. There were visitors from other churches. It was a wonderful time together. I taught most of the sessions and we had an interactive session also, answering questions from the participants.     

Above – Pastor Brown speaking at the conference; Left: Praise & Worship Singers; Right: Rev Angela speaking

The Sunday morning youth and young adult service was well-attended, with over 200 attendees.

Youth and Young Adults Sunday Service
At the final session on Sunday afternoon, we were joined by some of the adults, with about 300 attendees. As people came to the altar for prayer, God poured out His Spirit in a mighty way. It was glorious.

Left: Participants rejoicing     Right:  Prayer at the altar

Some of the young adults received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. There were testimonies of what the Lord did in their lives. For example, one young man reported that he was set free from drowsiness.

Christ The Cornerstone Church
It was a joy to speak at the mid-week service at Christ The Cornerstone church at Kwa Reuben slum. My friend who was the founder, Bishop Levi, passed away last year. It was good to be able to visit with his widow and the leaders to extend condolences and prayer. He had started a new building which they are working on to complete. The attendance at the service was good and they readily received the message of encouragement.

JEHO Children’s Home
My visit to the home was very short. but I was able to purchase supplies for them. It included, soap, beans, rice and other necessities. Pastor Miriam, her staff and the children were grateful for the gifts from friends in Canada.
Left: Pastor Miriam with donations
Right: Congregants at Christ The Cornerstone


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