
"Praise God Rev. Angela!"

We are privileged to hear many stories of how God has touched people's lives so powerfully. Here we present some of those stories in their own words....

Dear Pastor Angela,

I'd like to share with you the tremendous way in which your teaching entitled Climbing to New Heights has blessed me.

After listening to your teaching on face book live God really began to work in my life and lift so many things off of me that seemed to have been holding me back. Prior to your teaching I had felt discouraged regarding some issues with my home that would be costly to fix. They are cosmetic fixes and not necessity but nevertheless they had me feeling somewhat down. When you shared your message I felt a quickening in my spirit that even though financially I may not be able to make the big changes that I had desired I could still climb to new heights esthetically. I purchased a new mop, bleach for my flooring, hung new curtain panels and did a deep thorough cleaning of my home. Now I mop my floors daily and vaccum daily as well,whereas before it would have been every few days. I built my cat a beautiful cat tree that I ordered online and I am really enjoying the various different ways in which I have cleaned my place up.

Another way that God has moved following your teaching was with my physical wellbeing which in turn has positively affected my mental and emotional well being. After listening to your teaching on climbing to new heights I have taken up the hobby of walking. Each morning when I wake up I grab my dogs leash and we go for a twenty minute to one hour walk, depending on the day. Later in the evenings I usually take a second walk and I enjoy spending this time talking to the Lord, praying for myself and others and really enjoying nature.

This has been a supernatural experience for me. I know that this is God because for so long I had been struggling to become active. It had been weighing on me how badly I wanted to get up and walk but I felt as though something was holding me back. That is totally gone now. I have installed an app on my phone that counts my calories and helps me to journal my meals throughout the day. I have faithfully journaled since your teaching. I am so thankful for your obedience to the Lord in taking on this mission of face book live teachings. I have been so blessed and I just know that many others have been to.

Thank you so much pastor Angela.



We give to God, the father of our Lord Jesus  Christ, all the glory and honour for the good work experienced in Turkana-Kenya done by the missionary Angela Lynch of the Focus On The World Ministries over the years.

In summary these are the fruits experienced:

1.    The healing / deliverance ministry.
Missionary Angela is gifted in preaching/teaching biblical based massages which bring life change to our believers. This is accompanied by setting free the possessed by evil spirits/curses, and many experience freedom from sickness after being prayed for in the name of Jesus  Christ.
For instance, personally I had a chest problem from childhood and I could cough throughout my life. But one day Angela Lynch visited me at Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church in Lodwar-Turkana and the Holy Spirit showed her the curse by the evil spirits which disturbed me for a long time. She prayed and rebuked the curses and now I am healed since that time that problem of persistence in coughing stopped and disappeared.

2.    My wife is now a successful business lady
after missionary Angela taught about business and eradicating poverty through hard work. She prayed and rebuked the spirit of poverty in our family. Right  now as a result of those prayers, my wife’s shop sells well and we have enough food for our family that even visitors  celebrate food when they visit us. Women in our churches are now competent business ladies after Angela’s teachings.

3.    Bicycles ministry for pastors and evangelist.
In 2019, Missionary Angela Lynch distributed new quality bicycles to P.A.G pastors  and evangelists at Kakuma in Turkana.
These bicycles help pastors and church evangelists to reach out with the gospel to very far villages, where going by foot is difficult. Many have accepted Christ in villages around Kakuma town where pastors  and evangelists reach them easily by bicycles ministry.

4.    Transformational teachings
on identifying cultic / occult objects  or items in shops or market places.
Many of our Christians and church leaders who have attended those teachings are now wise enough to reject items with pictures and drawings of idols from cultic/ ocultic world. For instance we never knew that the trade symbol NIKE is a symbol of a goddess of prosperity at Ephesus. Right now I can’t wear clothes with NIKE sign

The pastors’ seminar on Deliverance by Angela Lynch was very transforming. Pastors appreciate to know how to deal with spiritual warfare and many of them were delivered from curses and demoniac attacks in their heads, stomachs and from having no breakthroughs in pastoral ministry. Pastors are thankful for the knowledge on how to deliver people they preach to from different tortures or bondages from the evil spirits.

Pastor Adir – District Overseer

Praise the Lord Rev. Angela! I am glad God allowed us to meet at a very crucial point of my life in the year 2014. Then I was about to sit my final high school tests. I was an unsettled young man, in fact, depressed and had great fear for the future, had problems with family, and drug abuse issues. I had literally hit the wall.

God is good at all times. We met at Dr. & Mrs. Matasi home where you prayed over my life. Things didn’t remain the same. I sat and completed my final tests and got a grade allowing me to move on to the University. God showed me my purpose ( serving individuals, families and communities with the greatest of needs).

I pursued the 4- year bachelors program in conflict resolution and humanitarian assistance and completed it successfully in the month of May 2019. I praise the lord for taking me through. Now I am endowed with skill; they say passion + expertise = solvable!
Since 2017 to date  I’ve been serving as a volunteer with the Kenya Red Cross – kitale , implementing an asylum seekers project in coordination with the UNHCR. These asylum seekers flee due persecutions in their home countries ( Burundi, Congo & S. Sudan ). At the  Red Cross  we offer them shelter, catering services, clothing  and basic personal effects in preparation for their transit to Kakuma & Kalobeyei Refugee camps and settlements.

My team is carrying out a resource mobilization for the aforementioned needs.

Your ministry is impacting others and I by keeping “Focus on the World,” the people  and communities with the greatest of needs.
God bless you!

Oscar K. Metto

Kitale, Kenya.

Praise Jesus Rev. Angela,
Thanks for the Newsletter with wonderful inspiring information… also very encouraging to see what God can do when we offer ourselves for His use.... may God visit you in a very special way and do you good even for how you've been a great blessing to my family.
You may not know but God has used you to make me have a spiritual breakthrough in my own life and my entire family immediate and extended. The best of all is how you taught me to take and use the spiritual authority from Jesus to COMMAND issues to align themselves with the will of God. Things are changing every moment.
I have taught myself to see things that are not as if they are according to God's will. (My daughter) is recovering with speed (and) even the medication was reduced to minimum. Rev, I just know that there is nothing much I am able to do to you now but just rest assured that as the Spirit of the living enables me, you will always be in my prayers. Keep very blessed and much love.

Cecilia (Kenya)

I Greet you in Jesus name

My name is Jacqueline and in February of 2020 I was diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer. I decided not to go through conventional treatment. No chemo, No radiation and i was fearing doing surgery.

Instead I contacted Rev Angela for prayer and believed for healing
When I got my CT scan done the technician saw no sign of the tumour it is gone, she thought I had surgery
My Oncologist had to go go over the report with her.
I feel great, healthy and Blessed
Another thing I wore glasses for years my eyes are now improved I have to get a new prescription for my eyes

My Friend alicia was in the hospital since September for brain cancer she had to be flown by plane for emergency surgery
she was not able to speak and walk agter prayer from your ministry she can speak better and her husband just updated me as I am writng that she is walking with the walker better and that she may be home for christmas.

Praise God. He is still on the throne

Jacqueline Marchand

Dear Rev. Angela,

Allow me to say that your teaching on the topic Holiness touched me so much, your teaching transformed me, create(d) in me a new direction, your teaching captured my life, your teaching has molded me and I am now in the original shape God created me. I have nothing to give you for that teaching on Holiness, but in the Name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, you will be a history maker within your country and the entire world, wait for God’s time, it will come to pass.

I humbly request that if God will be merciful and give you a vision for Africa, please, let Uganda be the first because our people have been suffering for quite a long time. I humbly request you to come to Northern Uganda one day. Be blessed!

Bishop Olet (Uganda)

I greet you in Jesus name. My name is Sarah and I have been told by our Bishop to send all the testimony that God did through you.

Pastor Japheth had been experiencing a lot of pain with his right eye which closed down. He did not see clearly for many years. After receiving prayers from you, he was healed in the name of Jesus and now he has a reason to praise God.

Evangelist Esther had a family curse for not relating well with her own family. The children would set off from home without her knowing and (on) no day (did) they try to communicate to her in any form. After the prayers from Rev. Angela, the children have started calling her through the phone and her ministry has been growing greatly. She says thanks to God.

Lucina had a serious backache that she could not clean even her house or do any light work. Since the prayers she is well (and) doing her work perfectly.

Onserio had a problem of not walking nor doing any job since his legs are paralyzed. He testifies that after the prayers from a powerful servant of God, he (is) able to walk a distance by the grace of God and he is looking forward to see Rev. Angela again back in Kenya.

Esther had a problem with her head and she could not walk a distance without having a rest but after prayers everything is done and she is still serving the Lord. She believes in God through Rev. Angela's prayers to get a child.

I, Sarah had a throat problem (so) that I could not swallow anything. I always felt that something is inside. The doctors said (there was) nothing. Since I received the prayers (I) am well and I can do all things in God who strengthens me. I hope to see Rev. Angela again in our church at Kenya - Kisii.

Ruth had a serious backache (so) that she could not carry heavy loads nor walk for a distance. After prayers she was healed and says to God to bless Rev. Angela so that she can come back again. Truly we were blessed by the word and may God bless you abundantly. Amen.

Sarah (Kisii, Kenya)

Contact Information

426 King Street West
Hamilton, ON L8P1B7


office at focusontheworld.org
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Office Hours

Monday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Wednesday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Thursday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed

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Normal Opening Hours:

Tuesday to Friday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.


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