A Word from Rev. Angela

Psalm 34:8 Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! 2022 was a year of seeing God’s goodness in a mighty way. After two years of being unable to travel overseas, God opened the door to be able to return to Kenya and then to go into the Philippines. We were in a deficit position and experienced His gracious provision. He made it possible to conduct new seminars and continue with outreach to those experiencing homelessness. He provided assistants to help with the heavy workload of managing the ministry and thrift store. As we prepare for 2023, let us look to God for His goodness to be manifested in our lives and areas of ministry in greater ways. Let us continue to serve Him faithfully, for He is good.



 Philippines Trip Report

My first trip to the Philippines was fulfilling and fruitful. My host, Mrs. Betty Charles, and I had a couple of hurdles to cross as we left Toronto, but the Lord gave us victory. We thank God for a safe arrival to the village of Abuor, in the province of Ilocos Sur. Betty had founded a church, Rayma Worship Center, several years ago. She wanted to reach out with the gospel, to the people in the village where she was born. During our first service there, three siblings accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. They had transported us from the airport and received the words of Jesus that we must be “born-again”. They were baptized in the Pacific Ocean three days later.




Left: Congregation at the altar for prayer Right: Betty & me with those who were baptized

We had the opportunity to minister in five different areas. At the youth and young adult service in San Pedro, the Holy Spirit’s power touched them powerfully. Right: Youth/young adults service

In Dinaloam, the people overflowed almost onto the street, and they listened attentively to those of us who spoke. After my message, about ten individuals there prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior. They crowded around us to pray at the end and we could not get a proper count. They requested prayer for healing and God touched them. One lady told me later that her eyes and head were healed. 


Left: Attendees at Dinaloam | Centre: Speaking at outdoor service with Pastor Exodo, Pastor of Rayma Worship Center | Right: Sunday service at Labut Santa

Cabugao is a beautiful seaside village. Ten individuals came forward to be born-again. As we prayed for the people, some individuals were healed and set free from demonic Oppression. A lady shared that her migraine headache was gone and her chest was healed. Afterwards, we enjoyed a meal together under the trees. I also spoke at Labut Santa. I had a short session with the women of Rayma Worship Center. They were happy to receive toiletries from Canada. Altogether, there were over thirty individuals who gave their lives to Jesus. We praise Him for His faithfulness.

Left: Attendees at Cabugao Right: Individuals praying to be born-again

The highlight of the trip was the dedication of the new Rayma Worship Center and missions’ house that had been constructed. Betty obeyed the Lord’s direction to her to build Him a house. It was a joy to participate in that wonderful event.

Left: Cutting of the ribbon Right: Guests at the dedication service


Local Ministry

In Hamilton, we held our first Etiquette seminar for young women. It was a great time together learning good table manners and other important topics. One participant was already talking about the next one. At our Freedom From Substances seminar we heard powerful testimonies of God’s deliverance and grace from those who shared their stories. Pastor Cody Crevar also gave an inspiring message. We were grateful to Living Rock Youth Resources for the use of their facilities. Meghan, our outreach volunteer, helped to organize the event and shared her encouraging testimony.

Left: Pastor Cody Right: Nathan sharing his story



As we go into the streets reaching out to those who are experiencing homelessness, it is heartbreaking. One young man cried as he spoke with us. Meghan led him in a prayer to receive Jesus. The men and women are especially thrilled when they receive pizza and drinks. It is like a treat for them. We pray with them as they share their requests. Most of them are open to hear of God’s love.



Christian Café

We were tremendously uplifted with the music ministry of Martine Kelsey in September. She herself enjoyed the evening and described it as “fun”. Some of our attendees blessed us with items like a poem and spoken word. It was a pleasure to have the fatherson duo, Kevin & Johnson Mills in October. Their ministry was a blessing to the group.

Left: Martine ministering to the group Right: Kevin & Johnson


Upcoming Trips
March – Democratic Republic of Congo
May – Kenya

Upcoming Local Event
February 17th 2023 – Christian Café – Trinity Presbyterian Church, 720 Ninth Avenue, Hamilton – 7 PM

Donations to FOTWM can be made by:

Sending cheque to address below – Please make payable to Focus On The World Ministries Inc.
Etransfer to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [in Canada only] Password is “missions”
Online : www.focusontheworld.org - Go to CanadaHelps

Mailing Address:
426 King Street West
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
L8P 1B7

Telephone: 905-387-9469
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Focus On The World Ministries is a registered charity in Canada, affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada [Western Ontario District].
Focus On The World Ministries; New Life Thrift Hamilton

Contact Information

426 King Street West
Hamilton, ON L8P1B7


office at focusontheworld.org
(To email please use the Contact link in the menu above)

Office Hours

Monday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Wednesday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Thursday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed

New Life Thrift Store Hours

Normal Opening Hours:

Tuesday to Friday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.


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