Reports by Reverend Angela Lynch
Missionary Bible-Teacher & Executive Director October 1996 - I ventured out on my first short-term missions trip to Malawi, Central Africa. It was there that God impressed upon me the name, Focus On The World Ministries. Twenty-five years later, He has taken me to twenty two nations, some of them more than once, and I have led seven team trips. It has been a joy to serve with career missionaries and local leaders in those countries. He has kept FOTWM afloat. I am thankful to my family members, pastors, friends, churches and volunteers for the ways in which you have supported and encouraged me. May God continue to bless you richly for your partnership with FOTWM Inc. |
Overseas Ministry
Breaking news - FOTWM is building a church in Kenya. Nameyana village is situated in Turkana, the poorest county in Kenya. My relationship with the Pentecostal Assemblies of God church in that village started almost thirteen years ago, when I first visited and spoke at a service. I saw the poverty and the needs of the people. At that time, they were meeting in the pastor’s house. Later, the congregation met outdoors on property that was given to them. The District Overseer of the church requested help to put up a roof for the congregation, because it gets so hot in Turkana that people and animals sometimes die from the extreme heat. After several years of waiting, God provided a major donor to fund a building. In February 2021, construction began. Now, praise God, the congregation is no longer meeting under the hot Turkana sun. The Overseer wrote, “Nameyana Christians worship under the roof. The roof helps (during) this hot season of drought and protects during rain.” But with the cost of materials escalating due to the covid-19 situation and an underestimated quote, the money that we had was insufficient. The building still needs doors and windows. Also, the floor and inside walls need to be finished. Estimated cost for completion is $7,500 (Canadian). FOTWM Inc’s treasurer in Kenya is overseeing the financial aspect there. We would appreciate donations to complete the building for these precious souls. This is the first church building that we have constructed, and we hope to build others. Images above: Left The new building. Right Angela preaching in Nameyana in 2019.
JEHO Children’s Home, Nairobi The children and staff here were happy to receive supplies from FOTWM once again. Our representative, Pastor Josephine, purchased and delivered the supplies. The volunteers from King Worship Centre ministered to the children with singing and preaching. Right: Pastor Miriam and children receiving supplies |
Report From Business Start-ups
Like in many other places, people in Nairobi were greatly affected by the covid-19 situation. In 2020, FOTWM sent relief money which assisted individuals to start businesses. Five women, including a single mother of three children and a lady helping her grandchildren, benefited. One sells bananas, and others are selling roadside snacks. We give God praise for what He has done for these women. |
Local ministry
What an honor to speak at online church services with Agape Ministries of Toronto, and Walking On The Water Ministries, Brampton! These pastors and congregations have supported FOTWM over the years and are strong encouragers in the Lord’s work. I also had the privilege of ministering in-person at Springs of Life church, a beautiful congregation in St Catharines, Ontario.
Personal Prayer Ministry
We continued to provide personal prayer support, when possible. It is always wonderful to witness the healing and delivering power of Jesus in the lives of individuals. One young lady was set free from dependency on anti-depressant medication. Another person was delivered from fear. Jesus is our healer and deliverer.
Facebook Live
Friends joined in weekly from England, Trinidad, the US, and several African nations. The positive comments showed that these sessions were greatly appreciated. You are welcome to join me on Sundays at 12:30 pm [EST], 7:30 pm [East Africa]. |
Thrift Store Report
Open… close! Open… close! Like many other non-essential businesses, that was our situation. We are thankful for the financial donations that have helped to sustain us during these difficult times. We deeply appreciate those who donate goods also. Our customers were happy to see us open again. It is a joy to pray with customers. A young, homeless couple, a lady with back pain, a woman in the psychiatric hospital – those were some of the opportunities for prayer. At the store, we continue to collect non-perishable items for Crossfire Assembly. We have also given out clothing, a bicycle, and other items to people in need. Volunteers are the backbone of our thrift store. We could not continue without their help. During the last year, a few of our customers became volunteers, which is a wonderful testimony to the positive effect of the store in the community. Please pray for God to send us more workers. Left: Donna & Alma, customers who became volunteers Right: Tiera, a student volunteer
Our yard sale was productive. Strenuous work, but we did it. Our teamwork was great, and we gained customers. Thanks to Crossfire Assembly for the use of their parking lot, and the wonderful volunteers who helped.
Left: Mark at the yard sale
Here is a testimony from one of our faithful and caring volunteers, Betty. “WOW! God led me to New Life Thrift Store. It is part of Focus On The World Ministries Inc. When there was a women’s Bible study, Rev. Angela Lynch mentioned the store in her speech, and I became a volunteer. I am a Christian. I volunteer three days a week. I suffer from bi-polar and obsessive compulsion disorder. It is so therapeutic for me to be with Christian people. Because of the mental illness, I find it hard to learn new things. At the store, they were patient with me, and I know a lot now. My self-esteem has gone up, and I am relaxing a lot more, since being there. My psychiatrist is also excited that I am volunteering there. I like it. We have devotions in the morning before the store opens. We pray for our needs and those of other people. May God bless everyone in the store, and all of you, in Jesus’s name!“
Angela has been accepted as a member of the Canadian Council of Apostolic Leaders. Joining the CCAL helps to confirm her apostolic role in the Body of Christ. The International Missions department of The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) has approved Reverend Angela Lynch as an associate global worker. Her appointment serves as recognition of her longstanding work in international missions and itinerant ministry. She continues to lead and raise financial support for Focus On The World Ministries Inc, which she founded in 1996.
Board Changes
We wish to thank Rev. Brian Dunlop, our board chair for over thirteen years of service to FOTWM Inc. His input and contribution have been invaluable. Our prayers and blessings are with him and his family as he retires. We welcome Miss Samantha Thomas to the position of volunteer Board Secretary. She has been involved with us for several years and is a tremendous help to FOTWM Inc..
Potential Trips
December 2021 – Liberia, West Africa. Angela has been invited to speak at a women’s conference and minister in churches. This will be a team trip. January 2022 – Kenya |
Donations to FOTWM Inc can be made by: Sending cheque to address below; Etransfer to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Canada only] Online : - Go to CanadaHelps Mailing Address: 426 King Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8P 1B7 Telephone: 905-387-9469 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ******************************** Board of Directors: Rev Brian Dunlop; Rev. Angela Lynch; Dr. Alvin Nicholson Mrs Jannel McDonald; Mrs Deborah Simon-Edwards; Mr. Ken Stenger; Miss Samantha Thomas ******************************* Focus On The World Ministries Inc is a registered charity in Canada, affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada [Western Ontario District]. |