Trip Reports

God is faithful and we always have many stories to tell of how He moves. More coming soon!

My journey to Uganda was not planned. I had been arranging a trip to another country, but it was not working out. God spoke to my heart about Uganda, then a request came from a pastor to speak at their conference. The Lord provided the funds, so off I went!
My first stop was in the town of Gayaza, where my friend, Pastor Maria lives with her family. I spoke at their Sunday service and prayed for several people corporately and privately. I was also able to get a few days of much-needed rest.

Congregation at Gayaza

Accompanied by five people from Gayaza, we arrived at Angarom a day later than expected, but the people were waiting. They were jubilant as we finally reached our destination. It's a farming community where they grow rice and other foods. But they are very poor and have large families.
Pastor Charles had invited me to speak at their conference which was held under a tree. They normally gathered there because there was no money to put a roof on the building that had been constructed. I was the only scheduled speaker for four days, so team members, Pastor Maria and Evangelist Livingstone took sessions also. Another team member taught the children. It was a wonderful time together. They love to sing, dance and rejoice even with chairs over their heads. The people, who were from various congregations, appreciated the teachings and many people came forward for prayer.

Our team

People dancing with their chairs;

Below: Scenes from the outdoor conference

Seven children and four adults prayed to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior. Some were healed by God’s power – a lady who had chest pains, a man whose entire body was in pain.

A roof over their heads

God provided funds to purchase 2 pieces of tarpaulin to make a temporary roof for the building. Team member, Moses works in construction and he supervised that project. They did a very professional job. Our Sunday service was held in the building.
From Canada …to Uganda

Left: the tarpaulin in my suitcase; Right and below: The building project


 Evangelist Livingstone testified that the Lord healed his arms while he was helping to pull ropes to secure the tarpaulin. His arms had been injured in an accident and were weak, but he felt that he should do something to help with the project. He demonstrated with a few push-ups which he could not do before.

Below: Sunday service in the new building: - Left: Congregation worshiping the Lord; Right: Angela receiving a turkey as honorarium

Pastor Charles wrote the following:

“I greet you in the name of the most high God. Thank you for the message you preached. It has changed my life and lifted up my faith. The message touched most of the congregation and they are now giving testimonies. I pray God touch your heart to come to Uganda again next year. In fact, your being in Uganda last time has become a blessing to our ministry. God has done something wonderful in our church. When you come to Uganda next year, you will also glorify God for what He has done for us. People have seen many changes through the Gospel you preached. Thank you.”
Pastor Charles O.

People ask, “Do they [the people overseas] send you your ticket?” The answer is, “No". I go to places where they cannot afford to send me a ticket or pay for accommodation. I am thankful for those who give financial donations to be able to go and teach the nations as Jesus commanded.

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Monday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Wednesday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Thursday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday - Closed
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